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These materials will help you objectively evaluate e-Government development in the country.

Using the Scoring System

Step-by-Step guide to evaluate compliance

To complete the scoring system user needs to answer a set of binary questions related to online service provision and enter quantitative data on telecommunication infrastructure and human capital development in a country.

Begin with the Online Service Index (OSI) Evaluation

To calculate the Online Service Index (OSI) user should answer a set of binary questions (YES/NO) regarding online e-government service provision categorized into 5 thematic areas in sequence:

  • Technology (TEC)
  • Institutional Framework (IF)
  • Content Provision (CP)
  • E-participation (EPI)
  • Service Provision (SP).

Proceed to Telecommunication Infrastructure Index (TII):

  1. Move to the TII component in the scoring system. It will appear after finishing Service Provision category in OSI.
  2. Input data into relevant fields related to internet users, mobile-cellular subscriptions, active mobile-broadband subscriptions, fixed broadband subscriptions in your country.
  3. Automated scoring: the system will automatically calculate scores for TII based on the data entered according to the methodology.

Evaluate the Human Capital Index (HCI):

  1. Go to the HCI component in the scoring system. It will appear after TII component.
  2. Enter the following educational data into relevant fields related to the adult literacy, gross enrollment ratio, expected years of schooling and mean years of schooling in your country.
  3. Automated scoring: the system will automatically compute scores for HCI based on the data entered according to the methodology.

Review and finalize scores:

  1. Cross-check Inputs: go back through each section (OSI, TII, HCI) to ensure all data is accurate and correctly entered. All questions are mandatory to answer.
  2. If you find discrepancies or areas that need reconsideration, make the necessary adjustments before final submission.
  3. Submit Evaluation: Once satisfied with the evaluation, submit your scores pushing button “Submit”.

Review the results:

  1. Carefully review the results page to ensure it accurately reflects your evaluation process. Results page presents scores for each of the indices (OSI, TII, HCI) and overall EGDI score.
  2. Monitor Changes: keep track of any updates to the web portal or changes in e-government services that might affect future evaluations.
  3. Plan Re-evaluations: Set a schedule for periodic re-evaluation to ensure ongoing compliance and improvement.